Sunday, February 2, 2014

February 2-Settling in Seattle

It's been a long day, & I will try to remember details as best I can...Oliver's doctor in Spokane decided that things were going from bad to worse with his liver. She thought it best that we go to Seattle Children's Hospital to see a specialist. It didn't take long before an ambulance arrived to drive us to a small airport in Spokane where we flew to Seattle and took another ambulance to Seattle Children's Hospital. I was able to go with Oliver, Sean drove and is here now. Oliver was in stable condition the entire transport and did really good. Once we arrived we were greeted by a new doctor, a surgical team, and other specialists to will be looking over Oliver's charts carefully. Each team will decide what gaps need to be to be filled in, what questions haven't been answered and order the appropriate tests. Then everyone will sit down together and decide what the plan of action is and hopefully come up with a diagnosis for what he's going through. So as of right now I have no new medical news to report, his last platelet count came back at 16,000... Seattle Children's Hospital has a blood bank on site so we won't have to wait so long for platelets. I think they're going to choose a number-probably somewhere around 20,000 and not let his platelets drop below that from now on.
On a more exciting note, the doctors here were shocked when  I said that we had not been allowed to hold our baby yet. They said that they're going to allow us to start holding him at least  20 minutes a day!  We are also increasing his food intake. For the next day or two we are going to have to give him a soy based lactose free formula while the GI specialist checks his digestive system for certain sensitivities that may be causing irritation. Our hope is to get him back on breast milk as soon as possible and the blood work is already being done to rule out the lactose sensitivity.
I haven't heard much about his liver, I know that someone came up and did an ultrasound... And the surgical team came and looked at it, but I haven't heard back what the results were. No one seems to be too concerned. In Spokane they see cases like this very rarely, here it's something they see all the time...which is a little more reassuring. I'm very happy that we're here, Seattle Children's Hospital is one of the best in our country and I really feel like Oliver's getting the best care possible. Thank you everyone for all of your prayers, I'm going to go be with Oliver for a little while longer tonight and I will update the blog as soon as I can.
Love to all!

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