Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 1

Sorry if I've worried anyone by not blogging all day-I was discharged last night and we had to pack everything up (including the laptop) and then we made a quick trip to Sandpoint to get clothes and things to stay in Spokane-so I have been away from Internet all day!

Oliver threw his first real fit this morning! I slept with one of his blankets last night so it would smell like mom and hopefully bring comfort...when we went to visit him this morning he was sleeping peacefully so in an effort to let him rest we slipped the mom-scented blanket in his incubator and marveled at his beauty. All of a sudden he started stirring, then rooting...he wanted food! His doctor was talking with us as we tried to calm him with no luck. The more we offered the pacifier the more irritated he became. His heart rate was going up, his temperature was going up-he just about broke a sweat and boy can he scream! So it was decided...Oliver is allowed to have a small 'snack' of breast milk every 3-4 hours. YIPEE OLIVER! Now let's just hope he doesn't think he will always get what he wants by throwing these temper tantrums :)

Now down to the nitty gritty-Olivers platelet levels are still too low...his last two tests came back at 17,000 and most recently 12,000. All of the other doctors and specialist that are familiar with Oliver are pleased with what they are seeing, it's just those darn platelets! He will likely get another transfusion and another test tonight but he is stable, eating, his blood looks good, his heart looks good, no internal bleeding...grrrrrr....platelets!

P.S. For Jack and Jillian...look who snuck into Oliver's incubator to say hello!!!

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