Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Re admitted :(

It was a good five days while it lasted, but we are back in the hospital again. Little Oliver started getting fussy with his meds a couple days ago and then throwing them up. He'd been acting like his tummy hurt, we thought maybe he was just a little gassy, but it turns out that he had some bowel gases leak through his bowel wall into his abdomen. It's very common for this to happen especially in NICU babies who's digestive systems aren't mature enough to handle eating food. We suspected that the fortification we've been adding to my breastmilk may have irritated his bowels causing a weak spot where gas could leak out. The treatment for this is a week on antibiotics and bowel rest, which means Oliver won't be eating actual food for a week but rather receiving his nutrition through his PICC line. When we brought him in he had a low fever and you could tell he wasn't feeling well. He slept most of the day yesterday, but woke up happy this morning I'll smiles and even laughing at being tickled! He is a trooper, that's for sure!! We will likely be in the hospital a week or two and if nothing else happens be discharged again. He will not be getting his chemo this week because of their irritated spot in his bowels, so I'm sure his doctors will be watching his HLH labs closely. 

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